CopyPasteHelper, what is it?
This program will help to keep some text in memory when you need to paste a lot of the same things.
Some software is not so well designed that you need to do a lot of manual actions.
This very simple program will help you.
It is made in visual studio 2008 and you need to have the 2.0 .net framework or higher installed.
You are using the software at your own risk, by downloading you agree with the Terms.
This program doesn't needs to be installed, it is very basic, so no settings can be saved.
When you start the program, the "Set top most" will be selected, this way the CopyPastehelper will always be on top of your screen. If you don't like that, uncheck it.
The Description field is only to give a small explanation what is stored in the corresponding textbox.
It has no specific function.
The big open textbox, there you can type or past a text in it.
When you click the Copy to clipboard button, the text is in your clipboard memory.
Just highlight your application and press Ctrl + V and you will paste the text that is in memory.
In Windows, you have three shortcut-key's /functions for copy, cut and paste:
Ctrl+X = Cut
Ctrl+C = Copy
Ctrl+V = Paste.
With this program, you can store up to three text's and copy them into memory when you like.
I know it might be a stupid program :-) , but it can help to work faster.
When you click Clear text object, then all fields, also the description are cleared.
As said before, when closing the program, all data copied into this program is lost, as it will not store anything on your harddrive.